Our Location

Coral Spring Fl 33065

Phone Number

+1 954 446 4511

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Phone Number

+1 954 446 4511

Email Address


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About Us

Behind The Brand

WhatsApp Image 2022-10-04 at 10.19.17

Our mission is to unmask the deception of appearance and encourage others to see beyond what meets the eye. But most importantly, our deepest desire is for fellow burn survivors to see themselves beyond their scars and focus on the beauty and strength that is inside, completely unseen to any human eye and can only be KNOWN by embracing the power and resilience you hold inside of yourself and the light you must summon and  choose to show the world what you are truly made of.


Beauty and worth are often deceiving and conflicting. What your eyes see by a simple glance will never allow you to know what another human being truly holds inside. Such is the life of burn survivors.

Our Mission

Make World Happier

Clean Water

Healthy Food

Medical Help

Proper Education