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I received 3rd and 4th degree burns in a motorcycle “accident” in 2020. My entire life changed that day.

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 9, 2022

I am just over 2 years post burn. I suffered 3rd and 4th degree burns in a completely avoidable motorcycle “accident.” The word accident is used loosely. The truth is that I was in a relationship with an explosive, abusive and manipulative person. About one hour before I sustained my injuries, before I even got on the back of that bike that day, I knew something was off. What I didn’t know was that my entire life would permanently change that day in ways that still I am still dealing with on a daily basis.

I don’t recall much from the weeks that I stayed in the burn unit, aside from missing my children who weren’t even allowed to visit. I do however vividly recall the hours of wound changes once released. The smell of the silver sulfide creams, the sound of peeling the medical tape off the rolls, the feeling of cold water dripping down my sides while sponge bathing. The absurd amount of effort it took to even use the bathroom while all bandaged and in supportive garments. At the time it felt like that was the hardest part.

Today I would tell you that the hardest part is acceptance. Had it not been for the creator of Burn Survivors on the Rise, I do not imagine I ever would have found and especially maintained acceptance of my body.

I would highly encourage any newly burned people to seek emotional support from other survivors sooner than later. I feel incredibly blessed that I met Lendjina when I did.

As for accepting the events that led to my injuries, that is something I’ve yet to achieve and maybe I never will. Perhaps the ultimate acceptance lays in the ability to recognize that you will never look at life the same way again, and that is okay. But you are still deserving of a quality life.

I certainly don’t have all of the answers but I am forever grateful for my burn brothers and sisters. My ultimate hope for every survivor is that they can make a connection in the burn community. So many people that I have met didn’t even know there are such things as burn communities.

This website and merchandise was made possible by the unity of burn survivors. EVERY PROFIT from Burn Survivors on the rise goes towards helping other survivors with a financial hardship. And if you are in need of someone to talk to, just send a message. We’ve got you. ❤️ You are not alone and together we will rise!

Christany Carlson

I was burned by a candle 🕯️

Rated 5.0 out of 5
December 9, 2022

Ngoakoana precious Mphago journey began at 3 month old , she’s now 26, it started when her mom left her with a candle to lock the gate , the candle fallen then burn everything in the house including her

She was burned 05 June 1996 in a fire in Bochum GA machaba Limpopo province, her journey with this scars it wasn’t easy but she survived , and she want to show the world that there is beauty in her strength, beauty in her courage, beauty in her scars

Ngoakoana precious Mphago